Project management

EPM can help at any time during your project. We have perfected a well-rehearsed set of procedures and methods guided by each RIBA stage, ensuring we deliver all the employer’s requirements.

Each project and client are different, so one size doesn’t fit all, but as a general rule some of our project management duties include:

RIBA Stage 0 – Strategic Definition

At this stage our focus is to work with the client through a structured process to define the problem or opportunity and to understand the benefits, key drivers, and desired outcomes. We will also uncover any constraints, risks, and issues. Set a budget, The client team and stakeholders would be identified and consulted. We would do this through a series of 1:1’s, group meetings, workshops and document review.

The Outcome of this stage is to identify the best means of achieving the client Requirements.

RIBA Stage 1– Preparation and Brief

During this stage we work with the client, key stakeholders to appoint a design team and work with them to develop a clear and concise project brief that includes the project outcomes, sustainability outcomes, quality aspirations and spatial requirements. We will develop a procurement strategy, help to procure and manage feasibility studies, agree a project budget, carry out site surveys, prepare a project programme and project execution plan. Pre-application planning consultation.
Our approach to this stage is to hold regular meetings with design team, client and stakeholders and also to manage a robust reporting, monitoring and governance process to ensure the programme remains on track and that there is a clear audit trail of decision making.

The Outcome at this stage is to set out the clear Project Brief and gain approval from the client and key stakeholders.

RIBA Stage 2-3 Concept Design and Spatial Coordination

Following sign off of the project brief and a clear defined way forward we work with the design team, cost consultant, contractor, specialists, client and stakeholders to develop the design in line with the brief including engineering solutions.
Our role in this stage is to manage and coordinate the delicate and complex process of design development and balancing the impact of cost, programme, risk whilst ensuring client objectives are still being met. There is inevitably a need for compromise, and this is where we will manage a decision making process to ensure governance and transparency as well as a clear audit trail.

The Outcome from this stage ins a concept design that meets the brief including agreed (market tested) costs and has been signed off by the client and key stakeholders.

RIBA Stage 4-7- Detailed design, Construction and handover
  • Manage the production of the detailed design under a traditional JCT contract or NEC 4 form of contract.
  • Manage contractor selection and appointment
  • If Design and Build, ensure contractor is developing a compliant design.
  • Ensure construction against programme
  • Monitor quality
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Manage the contract
  • Manage risk mitigation
  • Manage compliance with planning conditions
  • Manage the contractor to commission the building
  • Manage the training of building managers
  • Manage defects rectification
  • Manage process of project review analysis

We will carry out due diligence at the early stages to ensure the client’s budget matches construction costs. Doing this exercise early-on in the process ensures the design is in line with real-time market costs, it does not have to be value-engineered and the client is happy with the finished building.

“Your people are exceptional. It’s people that make the difference; your team are always available and I know the project is in safe hands which allows me to step away with confidence.”

Martyn Ward

Former Executive Director – Digital & Transformation – Oxford Heath NHS foundation Trust

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Other services we offer.

Project brief planning

Providing strategic leadership, advice and support to executives helping them to create, articulate, develop the business case and deliver their strategic aims and objectives.

Delivering affordable decarbonisation

Working with clients to help them to develop their energy saving and decarbonisation programmes through every stage from strategic direction, funding, business case and project delivery. 

Case Studies

Find out more about our team’s capability through recent case studies of the work they have delivered.
Cardiff Innovation Campus
Cardiff Innovation Campus

A Senior member of the EPM Team Jan Ponsford was appointed as Programme Director on this complex high profile project linking industry with academia to improve lives and facilitate innovation and change.

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